rue de la Luzerne 42/3 1030 Bruxelles - Belgique - Tél. + 32 476/30 22 58 -
Chemin de Transformation, de Conscience & d'Eveil |
Action sociale
« Il y a deux façons de vivre sa vie,
soit approfondir sa communion, soit cultiver sa différence »
André Malraux
RECOLTE DE JOUETS, DE PELUCHES ET DE FONDS POUR LES ENFANTS GRACE AUX DONS DES PARTICIPANTS DE LA CEREMONIE Les jouets ont été remis à Assistance Enfance - Liège (hébergement d'enfants, suivis de familles en difficultés, protection de l'enfance, dialogue familial - boutique de seconde main) Voici une photo de la cérémonie de remise des peluches lors de la fête de Noël à Grand-Popo au Bénin Une somme de 333 euros a été versée à la Fondation Roi Baudouin via l'école Maximilien Vos messages ont été transmis à une vingtaine d’enfants entre 6 et 12 ans de l’école de devoirs de la cohésion sociale du Centre Culturel Le Senghor. A leur tour, ils vous transmettent leur message : ENCORE MERCI, MERCI, MERCI POUR VOTRE PARTICIPATION |
Se mobiliser autrement
contre la violence faite aux femmes et aux filles |
La transformation collective dépendera de chaque transformation personnelle. Cette action est pour nous une manière de prôner la transformation des relations entre féminin et masculin en chacun de nous, homme et femme. !!! Voir la vidéo de l'action sociale Biodanza One Billion Rising |
Coregane asbl et le Centre 77 asbl sont impliqués dans diverses actions sociales dont vous trouverez un aperçu ci-après.
Conférence avec Août 2013 Soweto |
Dear Philip & Maria
Our “Women Formation” based in Soweto, Johannesburg, South Africa would like to thank you heartily for facilitating a process with a potential to breach a gap between our inner peace and blockages. The exercise has opened channels for us to deal with ourselves and harmonious interaction with others.
However brief the session; we have begun to recognize the power of internalizing root causes of our tribulations - with a view of healing our hurting souls. It is amazing how through you, we have also come to comprehend the significance of own African spiritually, that is so substantial in balancing our existence. We also noted how the connection to ‘Who we are, Where we come from and Where we are going’ will position us positively and complement our existence with the Divine. This will have a bearing in uprooting our turmoil - so that we fit in successfully with humanity and our environment. At the end of the session, we finally realized that whatever challenges we are facing – it all has a bearing on our psychological background.
You have enabled us to identify key channels regarding dealing with challenging events and experiences in our lives - in relation to the “3 F” survival reflexes > Fight, Fly or Freeze. This is an amazing discovery and breakthrough. The little knowledge we have acquired has inspired us to learn more about this theory. We hope that in future you will organize formal workshops for Soweto. It would also be beneficial to our community for you to do a “ Train-A-Trainer’ course. In this way, we can be able to transfer this profound knowledge. The launch of a series of “awareness programs” of this concept is crucial to our ailing society which has been impacted by moral degeneration after our liberation. Wide dissemination of this information would really be beneficial in our community.
All the women who attended the session thank you and send their regards. We appreciate the way you successfully unpacked our questions listed hereunder. We acquired a lot of knowledge and insight. We will begin to apply the consciousness in our daily lives.
Yours sincerely
Maria Moloi-Mokone on behalf of
Soweto “Phaphamang Basadi’ Forum